Routine Care

Routine Care

Why do we emphasize routine care so much?

Routine care (daily brushing and flossing at home as well as regular, professional dental cleanings) is the first avenue of prevention against not only diseases of the gums, teeth and mouth, but also your entire body. Yes, doing something as simple as brushing and flossing regular can actually help defend your whole body against serious health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and even pregnancy complications—it’s that critical!

routine dental care

What routine care does our office provide?

Our dental cleanings are performed by a dental hygienist specially and continually trained in the latest techniques for cleaning teeth, educating patients, and recognizing signs of damage, decay and infection. As a Morgan & Haupt Dentistry patient, you’ll periodically have diagnostic x-rays taken to aid in our evaluations, allowing us to look for “hidden” problems as well as monitor your bite to see if any major changes are happening over time. Your dentist will inspect your mouth, gums and teeth following every cleaning and take time to discuss your concerns and options to help you improve the health, appearance or function of your smile.

At what age should my child begin seeing a dentist?

Routine dental care is especially important to children and adolescents who are susceptible to cavities. At Morgan & Haupt Dentistry, we begin seeing children at age 3. Throughout childhood, as baby teeth are lost, and adult teeth come in, we’ll be there to advise you on best practices for your child’s oral health, and to answer questions about “growing up” topics like oral piercings, tobacco use, orthodontics and wisdom teeth removal. It is important to set good habits early – make sure that regular dental visits are part of your family’s routine!

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